Newt's lies:
1. He did no lobbying. We now have republicans on the record saying he indeed lobbied for Medicare part D.
2. He was paid as a "historian." Insulting he would think we would believe that one.
3. He lied about the manner in which he resigned as Speaker. Ron Paul was there to set the record straight. He resigned in disgrace.
4. He lied about having supported Barry Goldwater. In his own words we know that he supported Rockefeller against Goldwater.
5.GINGRICH: "When I was speaker, we had four consecutive balanced budgets." THE FACTS: Actually, two. The four straight years of budget surpluses were 1998 through 2001. Gingrich left Congress in 1999, so he only had a hand in surpluses for his last two years. The budget ran deficits for his first two years as speaker." - AP
Gingrich feigns outrage by this claim that He was a lobbyist, but the ruling from Political Fact says otherwise.
“Our ruling:
Romney said Newt Gingrich’s contract was with "the lobbyists at Freddie Mac." Gingrich provided strategic advice, a way of wielding political influence without having to register as a lobbyist. The primary point of contact on the contract was one of Freddie’s lobbyists.
We rate Romney’s statement True.”
Here is a copy of one of the actual Contract between Newt and Freddy Mac
Newt calls FDR greatest President of the 20th Century
Newt longtime supporter of federal health care
Information on Newts ethics violations:
Newt is for Cap and Trade:
By Aaron Klein
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has recently offered seemingly contradictory views on “climate change,” claiming to oppose climate taxation while partnering with a group that promotes such legislation.
The former House speaker earlier this week called his partnering with Nancy Pelosi on an environmental mission a “mistake.” However, last year he not only defended the move but said he would have done it again.
In a Fox News interview with Bill OReilly earlier this week, Gringrich was asked about a 2008 commercial starring himself and Pelosi in which the duo urged “action” to address “climate change.”
“We do agree, our country must take action to address climate change,” says Gingrich in the commercial, sitting on a coach next to Pelosi.
“We need cleaner forms of energy and we need them fast,” Pelosi chimes in.
“If enough of us demand action from our leaders, we can spark the innovation we need,” continues Gingrich.
Speaking to O’Reilly, Gingrich called the 31-second spot the “one of the dumbest things I’ve done in recent years.”
“It was an effort in my part to say that conservatives are concerned about the environment…But the commercial is just a mistake,” he told O’Reilly.
However, in a video interview with Human Events magazine in May 2010, the former speaker not only defended his commercial with Pelosi, but he said he would do it again even after the 2009 e-mail hacking scandal raised serious questions about the science behind so-called global warming.
“If they offer the chance to, then sure,” Gingrich replied, when asked if he would film the commercial another time despite the climate science controversy.
“I would do a commercial with Al Gore,” he further stated.
Actually, the Pelosi commercial was for a Gore initiative. It promoted the Gore-founded website and project, We Can Solve
In the 2008 ad, Pelosi states alongside Gingrich, “Go to We Can Solve It dot org. Together we can do this.”
In both his Human Events and O’Reilly interviews, Gingrich stated he was against “climate change” legislation.
“I actively opposed cap and trade. I testified against it the same day Al Gore testified for it,” he told O’Reilly.
Speaking to Human Events, Gingrich stated, “I deeply oppose giant tax increases. I oppose centralized burocracy.”
However, Gore’s We Can Solve It project that Gingrich promoted hawked carbon taxation and other U.S. and global climate legislation.
The group’s mission statement read, “The goal is to build a movement that creates the political will to solve the climate crisis — in part through repowering America with 100 percent of its electricity from clean energy sources within 10 years.”
The list of actions from We Can Solve It’s website in 2008 included: “Signing the petition for a global treaty on climate change. Urging the press to ask about global warming. Asking lenders to consider climate impact when funding new coal plants.”
We Can Solve It changed it name to The Climate Reality Project, a group still directed by Gore. The group states on its website it seeks to oppose “manmade climate change.”
Just like We Can Solve It, Gore’s Reality Project is partnered with Earth, which promotes climate change legislation. It boasts how it helped create the environment for the passage of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and many other environmental laws.
Just last month, the Reality Project hailed the Australian Senate’s passage a carbon tax for the country’s largest polluters.
Maggie L. Fox, President and CEO of The Climate Reality Project, issued the following statement when the tax was approved:
“With this legislation, Australia will reduce carbon pollution, produce more energy from renewable sources, and stand up to the reality of climate change. Today, Australia joined leading countries around the world that recognize climate change is real, humans are causing it and we must act now.”
Gingrich’s own writings and activism, meanwhile, evidence environmental activism.
At a 2007 debate with John Kerry, Gingrich dubbed himself a “green conservative,” saying Republicans shouldn’t argue that global warming is a myth but should offer market-based solutions to the problem.
Gingrich co-authored the 2008 book, “A Contract with the Earth,” in which he expressed his view of favoring reducing carbon in the atmosphere, developing new technologies, and creating incentives and rewards for “green” companies.
The theme of the book was that conservative views are compatible with environmentalism.
In a 2008 piece in Issues in Science and Technology Magazine, Gingrich called for “a new, bipartisan environmental movement” meant to “create pathways for every American, indeed every nation, to cooperate and collaborate on achievable solutions to restore, revitalize, and renew the Earth.”
With additional research by Brenda J. Elliott
I could go on forever with his atrocities against Conservatism.
Who is Newt:
04/02/1987 – He cosponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine
10/22/1991 – He voted for an amendment that would create a National Police Corps.
03/—/1993 – He Voted for sending $1.6 Billion in foreign aid to Russia.
11/19/1993 – He voted for the NAFTA Implementation Act.
11/27/1994 – He supported the GATT Treaty giving sovereignty to the U.N.
08/27/1995 – He suggests that drug smuggling should carry a death sentence.
04/25/1996 – Voted for the single largest increase on Federal education spending ($3.5 Billion)
04/10/1995 – He supported Federal taxdollars being spent on abortions.
06/01/1996 – He helped a Democrat switch parties in an attempt to defeat constitutionali st Ron Paul in the 1996 election.
09/25/1996 – Introduced H.R. 4170, demanded life-sentence or execution for someone bringing 2 ounces of marijuana across the border.
01/22/1997 – Congress gave him a record-setting $300,000 fine for ethical wrongdoing.
11/29/2006 – He said that free speech should be curtailed in order to fight terrorism. Wants to stop terrorists from using the internet. Called for a “serious debate about the 1st Amendment.”
11/29/2006 – He called for a “Geneva Convention for terrorists” so it would be clear who the Constitution need not apply to.
02/15/2007 – He supported Bush’s proposal for mandatory carbon caps.
09/28/2008 – Says if he were in office, he would have reluctantly voted for the $700B TARP bailout.
10/01/2008 – Says in an article that TARP was a “workout, not a bailout.”
12/08/2008 – He was paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac to halt Congress from bringing necessary reform.
03/31/2009 – Says we should have Singapore-style drug tests for Americans.
07/30/2010 – Says that Iraq was just step one in defeating the “Axis of Evil”..
08/16/2010 – Opposes property rights of the mosque owner in NYC.
11/15/2010 – He defended Romneycare... now he attacks it
12/05/2010 – He said that a website owner should be considered an enemy combatant, hunted down and executed, for publishing leaked government memos.
01/30/2011 – He lobbied for ethanol subsidies.
01/30/2011 – He suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans.
02/13/2011 – He criticized Obama for sending less U.S. taxdollars to Egypt.
02/15/2011 – His book said that he believes man-made climate-change and advocated creating “a new endowment for conservation and the environment.”
03/09/2011 – He blames his infidelity to multiple wives on his passion for the country.
03/15/2011 – Says that NAFTA worked because it created jobs in Mexico.
03/19/2011 – He has no regrets about supporting Medicare drug coverage. (Now $7.2T unfunded liability)
03/23/2011 – He completely flip-flopped on Libyan intervention in 16 days.
03/25/2011 – He plans to sign as many as 200 executive orders on his first day as president.
04/25/2011 – He’s a paid lobbyist for Federal ethanol subsidies.
05/12/2011 – He was more supportive of individual health-care mandates than Mitt Romney, who's mandates Romney actually vetoed..and was vetoed back.
06/09/2011 – His own campaign staff resigned en masse.
07/15/2011 – His poorly managed campaign is over $1 Million in debt.
08/01/2011 – He hired a company to create fake Twitter to appear as if he had a following.
10/07/2011 – He said he’d ignore the Supreme Court if need be.e order and bypass the constitution and congress (as if they wouldn't go along anyway) then read the voting record and charge list.
There is no way Newt Gingrich is a Conservative or even a moderate. He is as I have shown for federal Health Care. He is also for Cap and Trade. He also was in agreement with Cash for Clunkers... It makes sense though...Newt is as big of a Clunker and Barrack Obama. Nuff Said.
Check out who his buddies were:
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