Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Did Mitt Romney Subsidize Health Care for Illegals?

Did Mitt Romney Subsidize Health Care for Illegals?

24 Oct
By now you’ve probably heard the latest smear efforts by the extremists on the right and the left.  They want you to believe that  Governor Mitt Romney signed into law “subsidized health care for illegals” as part of the Massachusetts Health Care Reform law.  In the past twenty-four hours, that smear has been repeated by J.C. Watts, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram and thousands of people on Twitter and Facebook .  There’s just one little problem with this little gem.   It’s a lie.

Romney did not sign those provisions of the Massachusetts Health Care reform bill.  In fact, he vetoed those provisions of the legislation, and the predominantly Democrat legislature promptly overrode his vetoes – all eight of them.
So, what part of the word “VETO” don’t these morons understand?  By definition, it means Romney did not “approve” or sign into law the provisions of the legislation that extended benefits to illegals.
Perhaps they simply need assistance looking up the actual law that was enacted by the Massachusetts legislature.  If that is the case, here is a link for the intellectually lazy.  If on the other hand, they aren’t intellectually lazy, but intellectually dishonest instead, here’s another link.
Let’s take a closer look at the appropriate parts of the actual law.  Note the bold, red print.  Guess what?  It’s bold and red in the actual law, too, just so stupid people won’t miss it.
Governor disapproved the following section, see H4857
The Legislature overrode the Governor’s veto
SECTION 27. Section 16D of said chapter 118E, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following subsection:?
(7) Notwithstanding subsection (3), a person who is not a citizen of the United States but who is either a qualified alien within the meaning of section 431 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 or is otherwise permanently residing in the United States under color of law shall be eligible to receive benefits under MassHealth Essential if such individual meets the categorical and financial eligibility requirements under MassHealth; provided further that such individual is either age 65 or older, or between age 19 and 64, inclusive, and disabled. Such individual shall not be subject to sponsor income deeming or related restrictions.
Now, for the intellectually honest among us, let’s dissect the paragraph above, shall we?
Even if Romney had approved this section of the MA Health Care bill, where does it say that subsidies should be given to illegals?  A careful reading of the bill states that “qualified aliens” permanently residing in the United States (i.e. with a permanent resident visa – aka “green card”) or otherwise permanently residing in the US “under color of law” (meaning legally) will be eligible only if disabled (between age 19 and 64) or if they are 65 or older, regardless of disability.  And even so, Gov. Romney vetoed this provision.
In all, Governor Romney VETOED (please click here for a definition) eight sections of the Massachusetts Health Care reform bill.  They were sections 5, 27, 29, 47, 112, 113, 134 and 137 .
  • SECTION 5.   – Structure of Public Health Council and other administrative bodies
  • SECTION 27.  – Circumstances of eligibility of non-citizens
  • SECTION 29.  – Covered services for adults in the MassHealth Essential program
  • SECTION 47.  -  Chapter 149, Section 188 – Definitions
  • SECTION 112.  – Medicare and Medicaid services negotiations
  • SECTION 113.  – Changes to behavioral health services
  • SECTION 134.  – Department of labor and the division of health reporting requirements
  • SECTION 137.  – Public Health Council terms of office

So, let’s recap.  Governor Mitt Romney did not “sign into law” any provisions of the MA Health Care plan that extended subsidies to illegal aliens.  Anyone who says he did either doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “veto”, or is lying to you.   Decide for yourselves - are they stupid, or dishonest?

You can find the whole story HERE

Good article and i wanted to have it saved here

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How did Mitt Romney Govern regarding Guns?

There are many stories going around about Mitt Romney wanting to take away your guns. But how did he really govern concerning guns. The truth might surprise you.

Gun Owners’ Action League
Gun Owners’ Action League — The Romney Record
“GOAL [Gun Owners’ Action League] had more access to this administration than any other since the days of Governor Ed King in 1979... senior level Romney staffers met on a monthly basis with GOAL’s Executive Director to discuss and work on any issues relevant to GOAL’s members. This should not be taken as an indication that GOAL “controlled” the corner office, but rather that a very good working relationship was developed that benefited both parties.
“During the Romney Administration, no anti-second amendment or anti-sportsmen legislation made its way to the Governor’s desk.
“Governor Romney did sign five pro-second amendment/pro-sportsmen bills into law.”
“Gun Owners’ Action League is the official state firearms association in Massachusetts...
“GOAL works hard to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights against those in Massachusetts who wish to infringe upon the freedoms guaranteed by our forefathers...
“We were formed in 1974 to protect the right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are recognized as the state's premier gun rights association...
“Every intrusion on our gun rights is an intrusion on all rights. The Constitutional rights and freedoms that you enjoy - and may take for granted - are becoming more fragile each day. Secure your rights for yourself, your family and future generations...
Gun Owners’ Action League is a grassroots organization whose members actively participate in the many facets of protecting our Second Amendment rights and passing on the shooting sports traditions...
“GOAL publishes materials to bring the truth about gun ownership to the public, the legislature and our members. We also promote public education and junior shooting opportunities through our 501(c)3 sister organization, The GOAL Foundation.”

Gun and game forum
Mitt Romney - 2nd Amendment Support
“LIVETOSHOOT,my brother lives in MA. he is a ret.marine and has the utmost respect for ROMNEY. he has told me how it was before he got in, how hard it was to get a gun or pistol, but ROMNEY got the laws changed to make it a little easier. he didn't get all of them like he wanted, [some are still banned] but it is a lot better now.”
(bigbuddy21, VIP Member)
“Thus far in my research, everything I've located on Mitt Romney, personal and political, shows his integrity isn't for trade or sale. His record shows him to be very honest and upright...
“So, everything I've read about Mitt Romney, from credible sources, shows he does what he says he will do and how he says he will do it. This info comes from people who actually know and have actually worked with him, personally and publicly.
“In today's political landscape, Mitt Romney's personal and political integrity is exceptional and uniquely good...
“My research into presidential candidates has shown that Mitt Romney, while serving as governor in the liberal state of Massachusetts, upheld our conservative American constitutional laws/rights time and again. His voting record speaks for itself, and successfully passes the test for political integrity. Nowhere can I find any indication of impropriety or fraudulent activity.” (LiveToShoot, 28 Principles of Liberty)

Grover Norquist
Grover Norquist —
• National Rifle Association Board Member
• Massachusetts native
(fought gun control there while Romney was Guv)
“NORQUIST: Guns and Romney. Romney's position on guns is flawless ... I went and worked with the governor back when the D's were planning on passing a restriction on 50 caliber rifles in Massachusetts. And he committed to me that he would oppose any restrictions. I’m on the 50 caliber association, not the machine gun guys, just the single shot 50 caliber. Although if we set up one of the other associations I'd volunteer, no, its lots of fun and people keep wanting to restrict these things of beauty, but people don’t appreciate art in this country, that’s the problem. So, his position is fine.
“Where he got awkward is trying to do this, ‘I'm with you, I'm a lifetime hunter’, meaning ‘I've hunted.’ And, he'd only hunted a few times ... He didn’t need to do that. So, it’s awkward but on the other hand since the people who care about the second amendment only care about your position on it, they don’t care if you hunt or target shoot or collect or don’t have any guns. They just want to know where you are politically. He's fine politically.”
Play  Grover Norquist (2:05 minutes)

“Mr. Norquist, a native of Massachusetts, has been one of Washington’s most effective issues management strategists for over two decades.
“Mr. Norquist is president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), ...
“Mr. Norquist also:
“• Serves on the board of directors of the National Rifle Association of America.”

Craig Sandler
Craig Sandler —
• 10 year NRA Executive Director
• Former head of NRA's LEAD
• Retired Police Chief
“In endorsing Governor Romney, Craig Sandler said, "Throughout his career in both the public and private sectors, Mitt Romney has demonstrated exceptional leadership ability, integrity, and commitment to principle. As a New Hampshire resident, former law enforcement officer, and avid sportsman, I am supporting Governor Romney because he is the candidate who will protect our Constitutional rights and strengthen our nation." ...
“Craig Sandler Was The Executive Director Of General Operations For The National Rifle Association (NRA) From 1996 - 2005. Prior to that, he was the head of the NRA's Law Enforcement Activities Division (LEAD) which provides law enforcement training with firearm instructor schools and hosts a central database of firearm information available to law enforcement agencies and their firearm instructors around the country. Prior to joining the NRA, Sandler was a police officer in Nashua, New Hampshire, eventually retiring as Chief. He is also an avid hunter and sportsman.”

David Keene
David Keene —
• NRA Vice-president
• NRA Board member for over a decade
• For decades: gun-rights author, speaker & lobbyist

"Keene, who endorsed Romney on Thursday, tells Newsmax that Romney is a “good conservative” and “the best of the bunch.” ...
"Among conservatives, no one is more highly respected than Keene. As second vice president of the National Rifle Association, he will automatically become president of the organization in three and a half years...
"On the major issues, Romney is “right on,” Keene said. “The most important thing with these candidates is, when they give you their word in a campaign, that word is credible.” "
"David Keene was elected first vice president. Keene was first elected to the NRA Board of Directors in 2000 and most recently acted as second vice president. An attorney, political activist and columnist, Keene has written, spoken and lobbied on behalf of hunters, shooters and firearms owners for decades."
"Since December 1984, David A. Keene has been the Chairman of the American Conservative Union, the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots conservative lobbying organization... he has been Southern Regional Political Director for Ronald Reagan’s 1976 presidential campaign... Most recently he advised Governor Mitt Romney in his 2008 Presidential race."

Governor Matt Blunt
Matt Blunt —
• fmr Governor of Missouri
• NRA Board Member (2010)
“Endorsing Governor Romney, Governor Blunt said, "Mitt Romney's strong conservative principles are right for America. He is a strong leader and a proven problem solver – in private business, the Olympics, and as Governor. Governor Romney lives the American values that we cherish. I believe he has a great vision for the future of the United States." ”
“Blunt is an avid outdoorsman and hunter, and a member of the National Rifle Association. As governor, he advocated for and signed bills improving Missouri's right-to-carry law, allowing citizens to better defend their homes from intruders, safe-guarding shooting ranges from frivolous lawsuits, and protecting vital wildlife habitat and hunting lands from over-development.[29][30] Blunt signed legislation prohibiting the seizure of firearms during declared states of emergency at the NRA's annual meeting, held in St. Louis in 2007.”
Gov. Blunt was elected to the NRA Board of Directors in 2010 (twitter), joining another elected official, a former U.S. Senator serving on the board. That senator also had a favorable view on Gov. Romney's gun position, stating:
“Gov. Mitt Romney has announced his candidacy for president, and I support him. He has a record of standing up for ordinary Americans — people who are starting businesses, looking for jobs, building families, and enjoying the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
“Those freedoms are under constant attack, and perhaps none is more threatened than the rights guaranteed to us by the Second Amendment: The right to bear arms.
“Romney understands that this right can be abridged in multiple ways — gun laws can be written poorly, giving desk-based bureaucrats the ability to take away a gun license from a law-abiding individual.
“Gun laws can be applied indiscriminately, forcing sportsmen to become gun law experts when they head out into the field. Gun laws drafted by people who have never held a firearm but are beholden to the anti-gun lobby can impinge on the enjoyment ordinary Americans have in visiting a gun range or enjoying America's natural beauty.
“How do I know Romney understands these things? Because I've studied his record — and it's impressive. As governor, he took real, meaningful steps to affirm our right to bear arms...
“In 2004, Romney signed a sweeping reform of Massachusetts' gun laws that made the state's gun laws far less onerous for sportsmen. He established a firearm license review board to review cases of those applying to have their licenses restore, so that a single bureaucrat no longer could determine whether someone was fit to carry a firearm. He extended the term of firearm licenses from four to six years. He reinstated a 90-day grace period for citizens renewing their gun licenses, and later signed a law providing free replacement licenses.
“And then in 2005, Romney supported and signed into law legislation that clarified the definition of a loaded muzzleloader, so that hunters would understand exactly the safety precautions expected of them...
“And as governor, he has made his sentiments clear for all to see.
“In 2005, Romney declared the 31st anniversary of the Gun Owners' Action League "Right to Bear Arms" Day in the Commonwealth — a pleasant change of pace from most liberal states, where hunters and sportsmen are made to feel like outcasts, even though they support through fees and their participation a significant amount of rural land preservation.
“Fact is, if Romney just talked about his support for the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners, that would be welcome. But Romney has been doing more than talking — he has been taking action for several years, and his approach would be a welcome addition to the gun debates in Washington, D.C.”
“Congress is prepared to enact the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. It is sponsored by some of the most ardent Second Amendment backers in Congress, including Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) and Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL).”
“Larry Craig is serving his third term as a United States Senator from Idaho. Senator Craig quickly rose to the fourth highest Senate leadership position in his first term...
“A forceful advocate for common sense and conservative solutions to our nation's problems, Senator Craig has emerged as a leader in the battle for the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, limited taxation, private property rights, and greater accountability in government. He has been recognized by national groups including Citizens for a Sound Economy, Citizens Against Government Waste, Watchdogs of the Treasury, and the National Taxpayers Union Foundation for his votes to cut spending and protect the taxpayer...
“The Idaho lawmaker is on the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association”.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Magnificent Conservative Highlight Reel

I can remember on Face Book, all of the articles regarding Barrack Obama as he was running for office. Most of us conservatives would post many articles exposing his Marxist teaching as well as his poor voting record. There were more issues than red flags available to show how poor of a candidate this man was. But the onslaught was continual and I am sure we all felt a sense of Patriotic Pride in exposing who this man really is. I wont even get into the birth certificate issue. There is plenty of other stuff to fill the void of who Obama is.

In the Bible it states that the "Truth" will set you free. I believe that to be very true. But if that is true, what do half truths do to people, countries and communities? What  effect are basically white lies? I believe half truths distort the picture so much that you end up with a big mess. You can also lose out on possible greatness.

Here in America, we are on life support as a country. Let me ask you this, in your world, if you were in unbelievable debt, how would that affect how you could operate your home? What if your car payment, house payment alone were almost double the money you made each month? You had to borrow money from the town loan shark. How long can you survive like this before disaster overcomes you? America is in this position right now. The only difference is they can print money and you can not.

Rush Limbaugh has long been considered "the voice" of conservatism. He has indeed done many good things for this country. I do not question that. But you know, we look at the NFL, MLB and NBA as Sports and entertainment. But the bottom line is all of those Sports are a business. They have to operate in a certain way and continue to appeal to their fan base.

People like Rush Limbaugh are the same way. His base is the Tea Party and groups that like that wish to honor the Constitution and the American way of free enterprise.

To me it is Amazing how icons like Rush are often misinformed and also blown by the wind of their fan base. Here is an example. In 2007 Rush Limbaugh said of Mitt Romney"He is one of us, he is a conservative". And yet the other day he says Mitt is a nice man, but he is a moderate.

I can tell you a few things. One of them is that I have studied Mitt Romney for four years now. Nothing has changed about him. His message is clear. It is concise and it is strong. So I would ask you, since nothing has changed. Mitt has had no other governing positions since 2006. How did he go from becoming the next Reagan to a Rino? It amazes me how fickle people are. To Rush, I will have no integrity. I am done. To me, the truth matters. let  me ask you, the reader this:

Are these Conservative Beliefs?

1] Believing Cap and trade is a disaster

2] Being against Federal Health Care and that it should be dealt with on a state by state basis(states Rights)

3] Being for Upholding Immigration laws to the point of defunding sanctuary cities which was done

4] Believing there should never be deficit spending in a budget to the point where you cut 341 social programs and added no new taxes to balance a budget

5] Instead of taxing everyone for the use of things that only some people use, you added fees so that the people using these things paid for it themselves

6] Strong on the war on terror

7] Took a state in one term from 50th in unemployment to 11th by making it friendly for other Businesses to come into the state (111 of them) and also make it more friendly for the companies to flourish that were there.

In my book these are very conservative values. Mitt Romney also had 844 vetoes, and if you bother reading them, you will find these vetoes are continually consistent with the Conservative values I mentioned above.

Yet with Conservatism I hear the name Herman Cain. He has a 999 plan that is under great scrutiny, and if you look at it can not grow feet without getting rid of the IRS. So, he has no plan and yet he is lauded by the talk show hosts and the so called Conservative websites? Where is the intellectual honesty. It is not there. Herman Cain is also a huge advocate of Affirmative Action. The last time I checked, that is not only a liberal law, but also a huge problem in America today. Preferential treatment to people based on their race. You like that? I do not. He also worked for the federal reserve and scoffs at the idea of an independent auditor. Yet, for all of this, the so called conservative powers that be  push Herman Cain on me. No thanks.

I am not sure where or how people get some of these concepts, but they are so out of line. What am I talking about?

1] Mitt Romney is a career politician and an insider. Mitt Romney has served in one political office and that for one 4 year term as Governor. Mitt is a career businessman.

2]Mitt Romney is big Government. Mitt Romney actually greatly downsized government programs to the tune of 341 programs shut down to balance a 3 Billion a year budget deficit. He was part of adding one. Health Care that was going to be added because a Governor can not over ride the house and senate if they are for something which is the case here. He did veto 8 things in it he felt troublesome, and they vetoed him back. He had no power as Governor to stop it. Over all it was imperfect. But it also was only 1% of the state budget, no new taxes and it did not try and get rid of private healthcare. It is not Obama Care.

3] Romney would not give us Constitutional Judges. Well, Judge Robert Bork says otherwise. He says Mitt Romney is very constitutional and he fully supports Mitt as President.

4] Mitt Romney is forced on us by the powers that be of the GOP. That is about as ridiculous as it gets. There have been 4-5 people they have been pushing to run. Cantor is one of them.  It is only now as the dust is settling is the GOP finally backing Mitt a little.

I can only point out the facts to you. I cant get into the mind sets of these people who have talk shows or write books. Mark Levin said that Rick Perry was a man he could vote for. David Limbaugh backed Rick Perry. We all know how Perry Governed by now and his closet full of skeletons. His double talk. I have yet to find one conservative aspect to Rick Perry. Not even one. So, how do these brilliant conservative leaders back a borderline liberal? You tell me. I cant even stand the misinformation constantly floating around. There is no one even close to Romney in accomplishment and ability. The other night Mike Huckabee  interviewed Mitt. He was G Governor for years in Arkansas. He asked Mitt about the Health Care and then said why didn't you do something? He told him I did, I vetoed what I could. But couldn't you do more? Mitt looked at him and said, it is the law. I followed the law. They vetoed my back and I had to sign it. It is too bad the so called conservatives do not get this. Or are THEY really conservatives or people trying to keep stirring a pot to make money. Ohhhhhhhhhhh wait!!! It is a business, and you are being lied to.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ryan Larson's Open Letter to Red state

Ryan is a friend of mine. Red State is one of many so called conservative sites that seem just as agenda driven as any other site. His article is very good and a challenge to be intellectually honest in assessing issues, records and how things really happened. The truth can many times be distorted by half truths. Great Article Ryan!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ryan Larsen. I’m a truth lover, chess player and avid political junkie. I co-founded, which is dedicated to correcting distortions and inaccuracies perpetrated against Mitt Romney.
Before WhyRomney, I wrote for At Lyingliar, we debunked all of Al Franken’s big attacks, from his “Chelsea Clinton is a dog” smear against Rush, to his “Peabody” smear against O’Reilly.
Before Lyingliar, I was naive. I didn’t realize the lengths people went to in order to dishonestly paint others as dishonest. And that’s what I see people doing to Mitt Romney. Even on the issue of abortion, where Mitt Romney did in fact change his position, critics distort his record terribly. My next diary will address each of those misrepresentations.
While I would not accuse anyone at Red State of being dishonest, I do see people building camaraderie around attacking Mitt without regard to the accuracy of the claims they are spreading. With the future of the world literally at stake, we don’t have time for reckless accusations against the man who may be our nominee. I realize not everyone has time to discern fact from fable, but if you don’t have time to make accusations responsibly, you should not make them at all.
In this, an open letter to RedState, I will address the health care concerns many of you have. I don’t have all the answers, but I have insights which may be a game changer for some of you.
First, I want to thank Ben Domenech for his very good encapsulation of his concerns in a recent piece on RedState. Although I believe Mr. Domenech is mistaken in his assumptions, I believe his piece is otherwise intelligent and I’m using it as a reference for understanding the sincere angst felt by many regarding this issue. Also, see my response to Philip Klein.
Mr. Domenech wrote, “Romney is essentially using the waivers as a substitute for proposing an actual reform … Romney’s plan in Massachusetts … is all we have to go on when it comes to evaluating his model for reform as president.”
Romney laid out his plan in a highly publicized speech on May 12, 2011, calling for “Repeal and Replace.” Waivers are authorized in the bill itself, offering a chance for relief while working for repeal.
Skip to the 5:15 mark. Key features: Restore states to leadership, Empower individuals to purchase their own insurance, Focus federal regulation as opposed to it being over-bureaucratic, Reform our medical liability system, Introduce market forces to health care.
Romney has called for repeal many times, including twice in the Aug. 11 Iowa debate. From the start, Romney expressed opposition to the federal mandate and has remained consistent.
I realize Mr. Domenech may still be concerned, because of Romney’s “continued defense of his Massachusetts’ law, including the individual mandate.”
Romney, JD, cum laude, endorsed by Robert Bork, understands state versus federal: “I believe in the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. And that says that powers not specifically granted to the federal government are reserved by the states and the people.” When asked by the moderator why his state mandate was constitutional, Romney replied, “Are you familiar with the Massachusetts constitution? I am.”
Most people don’t realize Romney sought “an opt-out provision for people who wanted to forgo insurance and pay their own way” (HC p. 175). So, Romney did not want a complete mandate in the first place.
More importantly, in the paperback version, Romney says if he could go back he would provide “a tax break for those who have health insurance rather than a tax penalty for those without health insurance” (p. 194). The tax credit does not require an action or purchase on anyone’s part.
In other words, there would be no mandate. The tax credit is justifiable because the state was footing the bill for uninsured hospital patients. When someone acquires health insurance they are removing a costly liability from the state, and therefore deserving of the tax credit. Moreover, this is merely a broader application of a principle shared by Ronald Reagan, “Most employer contributions for employee health benefits should be tax free because this encourages employee health insurance.”
People wanting Romney to distance himself from the mandate already have their wish, without realizing it.
Romney discusses other changes he’d make, such as reinstating his vetoes which the legislature overrode, and making very different choices than the new administration which, for example, allows some people to pay nothing – thereby creating an incentive for free-riders to move into the state. The most costly provision added by the legislature is their requirement that insurance companies provide certain coverage, such as unlimited dental and in vitro fertilization treatments – vetoed by Romney, but overridden. Romney ends his explanation in the paperback with: “There is no question in my mind that our program could be significantly improved if it were managed by a conservative administration. Elections have consequences.”
Mitt Romney is standing by the principles but not the specifics.

So, when we say Romney is sticking to his plan, what we are really saying is that Romney still believes in the following measures at a state level for MA: First, “creating incentives for those who can afford insurance to actually purchase it.” Second, creating “an exchange to help make buying insurance easier for individual – as opposed to corporate – buyers.” And third, “helping the poor buy their own private insurance with a sliding-scale subsidy. The government’s share of the cost comes from redirecting the federal funds that are currently sent to providers” (PB, p. 191).
What he is “standing by,” is not cause for much alarm. The question now, I think, is whether Romney can be excused for instituting the mandate to begin with. Well, he had the Heritage Foundation and other conservatives on board, he had the overwhelming support of the legislature, the media and the people of MA. But if you insist Romney should not be excused, I ask you this: Did Samuel Adams infringe on liberty when he mandated that the kindred of any poor person in MA “shall be holden to support such Pauper?” (1793, “An Act Providing For The Relief And Support, Employment And Removal Of The Poor”). Samuel Adams invented the concept of “States’ Rights.” Did he not understand the role of state law?
If Romney made a mistake, then Samuel Adams made a mistake. Will the Tea Party movement, which derives its name from an act of American Revolution which took place in Massachusetts, fail to excuse a Founding Father from Massachusetts, a signer of the Declaration of Independence?
Here is what critics are missing, but Romney has grasped all along. He has the ultimate “excuse,” the MA constitution, penned by Samuel Adams’ cousin, John Adams. Part 1, Article 10:
“Each individual of the society HAS A RIGHT TO BE PROTECTED by it in the enjoyment of his life, liberty and property, according to standing laws. HE IS OBLIGED, CONSEQUENTLY, TO CONTRIBUTE HIS SHARE TO THE EXPENSE OF THIS PROTECTION; TO GIVE HIS PERSONAL SERVICE, OR AN EQUIVALENT, WHEN NECESSARY; but no part of the property of any individual, can, with justice, be taken from him or applied to the public uses without his own consent, OR THAT OF THE REPRESENTATIVE BODY OF THE PEOPLE. In fine, the people of this Commonwealth are not controllable by any other laws, than those to which their constitutional representative body have given their consent…”
It is the right, therefore, of every individual residing in Massachusetts to be protected by it in whatsoever fashion is determined by the people through their representative body.
Those who are not willing to abide the precepts of the Massachusetts constitution are free to reside in a different state. They are not free however to abdicate personal responsibility for knowing the constitutional expectations associated with their choice to reside in the state of Massachusetts, which includes being called to bear such mandates when deemed appropriate by the state as a whole.
At this point, I’d like to turn my attention back to the concerns expressed by Mr. Domenech, who said Mitt Romney’s campaign, “took time to bash yet another health care study illustrating how his reforms in Massachusetts raised premium costs and cost the state jobs…”
Romney’s campaign did dismiss the study as invalid, but if the results are indeed invalid then we shouldn’t fault the Romney campaign for saying so. The first problem is that the study is limited to determining the impact of health care cost increases on the surrounding economy. The study is not designed to determine what caused the increase in health care costs to begin with. The study, in other words, had no basis for concluding anything about Romneycare.
But it gets worse. The study makes this assumption because it defers to an earlier study.
That study, in perhaps a Freudian slip, states at one point: “We employed the same mythology.” And, indeed, there is “mythology” in their methodology. Their trend numbers, which they use in comparing health costs under Romneycare with costs before Romneycare, are faulty. For instance, in Table 11 their “trend” numbers claim that costs in 2006 were expected to decline from 2005, but this is clearly a false trend since costs had increased every year since 1998.
They then subtract their false trend numbers from the actual cost increase, creating the impression that costs rose at a faster rate. The bogus numbers compound each year, as the false trend numbers get further off course. We can see this play out in each of their tables. Consider table 12, insurance premiums for an average single plan. From 2000 to 2005, costs increased by $1500; meanwhile, from 2004 to 2009, costs only increased by $1100. That’s a downward trend. Yet the study claims that the premium rate in 2009 was $215 higher than the trend.
This disqualifies both studies. The first study was based on the difference between actual numbers and false trend numbers. The second study is based on the first study.
Even with the flaws with Romneycare, despite the costly provisions added by the legislature and new governor, it has slowed the rate of many health care cost increases in Massachusetts – despite the aging population of baby boomers (hip and knee replacements are up dramatically, as well as MRI/CT scans, and mobility scooters) and rising obesity rates. In all, it is working. Think how effective it would be if Romney had been able to do it his way. As he said, “There is no question in my mind that our program could be significantly improved if it were managed by a conservative administration.”
Using the raw data contained in their own tables, let’s look at how costs have slowed. Keep in mind that Romneycare went into effect in 2007. To measure it’s effectiveness we start with the previous year, 2006, so as to contrast the status prior to the law taking effect with the most current status reflected in available numbers.
Table 9: State medicaid spending increased by $1.4 billion from 2003 through 2006, and by $1.5 billion from 2006 through 2009. Again, the slight increase is attributable to the aging population.
Table 10: Medicare Advantage monthly rate increased by $166 from 2002 through 2006, and by only $139 from 2006 through 2010.
Table 11: Medicare Personal Health Care expenditures increased by 1.4 billion from 2003 through 2006, and by only 1.3 billion from 2006 through 2009.
Table 12: Average Insurance Premium (Single) increased by $952 from 2003 through 2006, and by only $820 from 2006 through 2009.
Table 13: Average Insurance Premium (Family) increased by $2423 from 2003 through 2006, and by $2433 frp, 2006 through 2009. Only ten dollar difference between cost increases.
Mr. Domenech voiced a secondary concern which I feel needs to be addressed because it is in the context of accusing Mitt Romney of a factual error: “the overwhelming number of those newly covered are subsidized by other taxpayers, and are on Medicaid, not private market-based insurance.”
“The plan expands opportunities for Medicare beneficiaries to use their benefits to enroll in private health plans as an alternative to traditional Medicare coverage” – Ronald Wilson Reagan
The insurance is private, just as Romney said, and is subsidized by government aid more than Romney wanted. The private insurance plans are different from each other, and thus are indeed market based, though not as much as Romney wanted due to mandates imposed by the legislature.
Why did Romney work with the legislature? On February 9, 1983, when Ronald Reagan was asked about people who said he was “moving away from the policies and principles” that got him elected, Reagan responded by explaining that compromise is not retreat: “I’m not retreating an inch from where I was. But I also recognize this: There are some people who would have you so stand on principle that if you don’t get all that you’ve asked for from the legislature, why, you jump off the cliff with the flag flying. I have always figured that a half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not going to always get everything you want. So, I think what they’ve misread is times in which I have compromised.”
Indeed, if there is a gold standard, that standard is Ronald Reagan. But in his last two years as President, Reagan had to compromise with a Democratic Senate on his judicial appointments. Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy to the Supreme Court, even though Kennedy showed clear signs of being pro-choice, by citing Roe v Wade favorably and expressing a belief in a constitutional right to privacy. With the new Democratic Senate, Reagan could not appoint a clear conservative to the Supreme Court and had to compromise with a nominee the Senate would confirm.
Reagan had first nominated a clear pro-life conservative, Robert Bork, for the seat which ultimately became occupied by Anthony Kennedy. Announcing the nomination on July 1, 1987, Reagan remarked, “Judge Bork is recognized as a premier constitutional authority. His outstanding intellect and unrivaled scholarly credentials are reflected in his thoughtful examination of the broad, fundamental legal issues of our times.”
However, the late Senator Ted Kennedy was noted for leading a strong opposition to Bork in the Senate. Ted Kennedy was Senator from Massachusetts, where he reflected the climate Romney worked in as governor of that state.
Bork, who knows from firsthand experience what Romney faced in “Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts,” endorsed Mitt Romney for President in 2007 and 2011. He is actively serving as chair of Romney’s legal advisory commission.
Mr. Domenech says Mitt has “continued to maintain his approach is a ‘Republican way to reform the marketplace’”
Mitt has from the beginning stood by the principles which I outlined earlier, and has consistently stated that those guidelines could be a useful model for other states to work with. He has dropped other aspects which he once supported, and has consistently opposed many aspects which were foisted upon the health care plan against his desires. In the context of it being a “Republican” plan, Reagan told Gorbachev to “tear down this wall,” but did not insist the entire Soviet government change overnight. Republicans understand that leaders in a war zone need space to operate differently depending on terrain. Our Republican leaders in liberal terrain need that same freedom. A Republican idea looks different depending on whether it’s implemented in a liberal or conservative terrain. But Romney moved in the right direction. The alternative proposed in MA was to make health care a constitutional right.
As far as comparing MA with other states, premiums were high compared to the rest of the nation, before Romneycare. They are high now, they were high then. However, Rhode Island and New Jersey are right behind MA. The obvious correllation here is that RI, NJ and MA are by far the three most densely populated states in the nation. When you receive an MRI scan, the hospital charge is primarily for their investment in purchasing the scanner in the first place, not the cost of the actual scan. Likewise, additional costs accrue in densely populated states. Land costs more, so hospitals cost more. Construction is more crowded, cumbersome and costly. The initial expenditure is higher, and so then are the costs to recoup that expenditure. Insurance companies can afford those higher costs because residents can pay higher premiums withMassachusetts having the second highest personal income per capita, and personal disposable income per capita, behind only Connecticut.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Take a look at Cains' flawed 999 plan...its not good

Herman Cain’s 999 Tax Plan

September 27 | Posted by politicol | Republican Conservatives 
Herman Cain’s 999 Tax Plan
Who is the real Herman Cain besides the guy who owns a string of pizza joints, GodFather’s Pizza? Herman Cain is an establishment republican who once promoted the TARP program to bail out businesses like his own.Cain also endorsed the US Treasury’s position of buying equity positions or preferred stocks in US banks! 1.
Herman’s Education includes a Math degree from Morehouse College fifty years ago, a computer science degree from Purdue and working as a mathematician for the Navy. He also worked as an Analyst for Coca-Cola, worked for Pillsbury in the corporate world.  Cain also managed 400 Burger King restaurants in Philadelphia’s poorer districts and then finangled a buyout of Godfather’s Pizza Inc. Cain is also on the board of the NRA and still is today.
For a republican to call for 9% national sales, tax, 9 Percent business tax, and 9 percent personal income tax -a revolution wouldn’t be near enough to throw this man under a bus.
We’ve taken a look at Herman Cain’s plan if he were voted in as President of the United States after hearing his claim and very little else about his 9-9-9 Tax Plan. The 999 plan has become Herman Cain’s campaign slogan or jingle, The 9-9-9 Plan. He mentions it but never describes what his plan really does specifically, you have to do the research on it.
According to his campaign website the Herman Cain Plan would be phased in starting with Phase 1, that he calls: The Immediate Boost, or the Enhanced Plan, which one is Phase 1 is anyone’s guess. Very confusing already.
What Herman Cain is proposing will benefit the wealthy, not the poor and middle class in fact it will finish off and decimate the middle class.
Top 10 Flaws in Herman Cain’s 999 Tax Plan
1) Currently wealthy people play 35 percent Income tax -Herman Cain will reduce that to 9 percent. What a gift to the rich!!! The CEO’s of  BP Oil, Chevron, Wal-Mart will enjoy not paying more taxes with Herman Cain’s plan.
2) There are more middle class tax payers and the poorer who will now be paying more taxes on basics, and that is where his plan hurts the majority of Americans including 45 million below the poverty level.
Cain’s 9% sales tax plan will gouge the people who need financial assistance, but then again they are not included in his plan. What does he mean by “across the board” has not clearly been explained but would definitely harm the poor.
3) Under Cain’s plan there won’t be any income tax credits or deductions, just a flat 9% income tax and when you add the sales tax to that -families will be paying 18% taxes!  Cain doesn’t explain this part on debates but what he’s not telling voters is:
1) Will his national sales tax be in addition to the state retail sales tax?
2) Or will it replace the state sales tax, which really doesn’t increase revenues and decrease the deficit?
3) Will he tax services, like a service tax -like on funerals?
4) Will he tax food, restaurant bills, etc., like they do in some countries, will taxes be expanded?
Cain gives no real details on what products, services or food he would apply this 9% tax to or any differences than the current system. Also some regulators  prefer that the states collect the sales tax not the federal government and some states would now be paying sales tax that didn’t before his plan. Unfair.
Taxes are also collected differently in different areas of the country, with different rules on some products that are exempt from tax like children’s clothing. Would families now have to pay tax that didn’t before?
4) Cain’s plan rewards the rich and punishes those who’s income is at peril of falling further below the line of devastating consequences and he does not address this group roughly 45 million Americans.
5) You cannot use a One Size Fits All in the Herman Cain 999 plan, and across the board taxes do not work, there has to be some offsets or else many Americans will go into bankruptcy.
6) Cain’s plan will not motivate consumers to spend more and move the economy forward and they make up 70% of the economy. His plan does not take into consideration that consumers will cut back if taxes are too high, and that is an economy and job killer. Herman’s plan means: Buy Less, Pay Less Taxes and is not a real boost to the economy.
7) Accountants who have looked at Cain’s 999 Plan say it is very deceptive especially on removing tax credits and issuing refunds on income. There won’t be a need for refund checks, because there won’t be any refunds!
8) The Cain plan doesn’t end at 999 and there is no rules when government decides to make to 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 or even higher. This would also increase tax breaks for the rich even more.
9) Paying taxes at 9% of income hurts Warren Buffet’s secretary more than it hurts Warren Buffet the billionaire, same story there. If Warren Buffet’s army of accountants find deductions he benefits, even if he is currently paying 35% tax on income.
10) A higher national sales tax will bring up states rights to define their own tax rules and adding a federal run tax program would definitely start some federal v.s. state battles in the court system.
 Herman Cain's 999 Tax Plan
 Herman Cain’s 999 Tax Plan
Herman Cain might have won the Florida straw poll and pulled the wool over their eyes in the deep south of Republican territory but he’s pulling a fast one here.
Although his 999 plan may seem like a good idea, Cain has yet to get about 9  % in the popularity polls for Republicans. Yet people are still saying to themselves: “Who is this guy?”.
Herman Cain Tries to Explain his One Size Fits All Tax Plan -The 999
 The 999 Plan Favors Wealthy and Hurts the Middle Class More
 The President of the Economic Policy Institute, Lawrence Mishel has a few problems with Herman Cain’s 999 Plan in that it would tax middle income earners since they spend more of their income than wealthy people.For  the middle class that relates to the more you buy the more tax you pay. This in itself, would slow down the economy.
Wealthy people -spend less, the Middle Class and there are more people in that category spend more and will pay more taxes. Cain’s proposal does not exactly eliminate tax loopholes for rich corporations or wealthy billionaires who will highly skilled accountants can get away with paying no corporate or income taxes.
By his plan, Cain emphasizes that he eliminates payroll and estate taxes, but only the rich get high estate taxes again this plan favors millionaires and billionaires.
The Tax Policy Center states that 23,000 millionaires would pay no income tax at all, causing a further deficit in the country’s economy.
Herman Cain is a devoted corporatist business man that is the truth, he has done well for himself through the corporate ladder however that does not translate to being a President that can handle this economy. His plans would put the country back to the Bush days where giving tax breaks to the rich and taxing the poor was the name of the game that got us into this mess. 
Instead of Nine-Nine-Nine – our response is: Nein Nein Nein
(Translated from German means: No, No. No.
References: are no Mitt Romney. His plan is much much better. No thanks Herman!!!!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mitt Romney is Big Government

This is one statement that pops up all the time. It is a statement for the uninformed. I will ask you this. If Mitt Romney is for big government, why did he cut 341 social programs to balance the state budget that was 3 billion over their budget? Why did he not just raise taxes, which is what the state house and senate wanted to do? People, by cutting 341 programs, that is downsizing government. Duh.

The next brilliant statement is "Romney Care". Yeah you really got me on that one too. 92% of the state was insured to begin  with. The problem was that many people were using the hospitals for free. They didnt pay their bills. The problem was a $384 million dollar deficit. If it were not addressed, Hospitals would be closing. That is what is happening in Arizona right now. The state legislature was veto proof. Mitt Romney vetoed the 8 things he felt were counter productive in the bill. He was vetoed back by the legislature who had 2/3rds of the final vote. By law, he had to sign it.

However, the state decision to do what they did was constitutional.

It is called states rights. You might want to look it up sometime. The Health Care Bill was only 1% of the state budget. It added no new taxes. It was a option to Private Health Care to solve a problem. It is not like Obama Care that tries to get rid of private health care. It also had two amendments added since Mitt Romney left office.

In the past I have been so fed up with the blatant ignorance of people making these blanket statements that are so stupid, or clueless regarding these two things. In a very hostile environment, Mitt Romney always stood on the side of conservatism in his Governing. It is all there. He had 844 vetoes. if a person has a simple understanding of how Government works, they will know that being a Governor doesn't make one a King. It is like what President Bush had to deal with his last two years in office when the Socialists held the House and Senate majorities. However in Mitts' case it was 85% liberal house and senate against him in that state.

Mitt is an insider, a career politician!!! Where do you people get your information? Mitt Romney is a career businessman who is unmatched in America. He served one term in political office. That's it.  Sarah Palin who is not considered an insider for some reason has held offices for 20 years. That is a career politician. Ron Paul in office over 30 years, that is a career politician. Just for reference sake.

Here is what Jim DeMint says in regards to Mitt: Jim says Mitt is not an insider. He goes on to tell a lot about Mitt being conservative. Jim DeMint is considered Mr Conservative.

Robert Bork, Reagan nominee to the Supreme Court

Robert Bork "No other candidate will do more to advance the conservative judicial movement than Governor Mitt Romney ... I also support Governor Romney because of his character, his integrity and his stands on the major issues facing the United States."

Fraser Bullock, Former partner at Bain Capital

Fraser Bullock "He makes decisions based on researching data more deeply than anyone I know. As people get to know him better, they'll see an extremely competent, strong leader."

Newt Gingrich, Former U.S. House Speaker

Newt Gingrich "Romney's record turning around the Winter Olympics which was spectacular, his record as a very successful business leader, his record as governor of a very, very Democratic state - he's an impressive guy."

John J. Miller, National Review Online

John J. Miller "Romney has done his best to defend the culture of life on what is possibly the most inhospitable terrain in the country...a good case can be made that Romney has fought harder for social conservatives than any other governor in America, and it is difficult to imagine his doing so in a more daunting political environment."

James Bopp, Jr., Conservative Attorney - Club for Growth

James Bopp Jr. "Both conviction and courage are necessary for effective pro-life leadership, and Romney, in office, displayed both."

Kris Mineau, of the Massachusetts Family Institute

Kris Mineau "On marriage and cloning, he has provided aggressive leadership as a positive, pro-family governor."

Rev. Jeffery L. Brown, Union Baptist Church, MA

Reverend Jeffery L. Brown "Governor Mitt Romney has left this state in a better place than it was when he came in... Mitt Romney cares, and he is fearless. I know that he is a man of compassion. He is a man of integrity. The kind of character that he has, and the concerns that he has [demonstrate that]. He believes in family. He's always wanted to know what was going on and how he could help."

Matthew Spalding, of the Heritage Foundation

Matthew Spalding "In the worst possible circumstances, he confronted one of the toughest issues of our politics with considerable moral seriousness and political skill, that's the mark of a conservative statesman."

Ann Coulter, Conservative author and columnist

Ann Coulter "The candidate Republicans should be clamoring for is the one liberals are feverishly denouncing. That is Mitt Romney by a landslide."

Cavuto: "Sheriff, Why Mitt?"

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: "He's a great guy, he did a good job in Massachusetts, especially against the illegal immigration problem. Great businessman, good guy, family man, intelligent - what else do you need?

He's the one that got 25 troopers trained under ICE, actually Neal, I just had 39 enter a class, so we'll be training 160 to continue to fight against illegal immigration. But the governor - look at his history. Salt Lake - look at the games up there, what he did, look at his business.

I say the governor will make a great president."

 *I can go on and on but Mitt:
Took the state from 50th to 11th in unemployment
Balanced the state budget by downsizing government and no new taxes.He has always been against federal healthcare and will give waivers against Obama care day one until it can be repealed. He is against Cap and trade. He is strong on illegal immigration. He is for getting rid of anything not absolutely needed in a budget and believes it always has to be balanced. Translation, no deficit spending. Mitt is by far the best candidate. I dont know what you people think you want, but Mitt is as conservative as anyone out there.

In 2008 Mitt Romney was projected as the next Reagan. But because of a state wanting an alternative to Private Health Care he is all of a sudden a Rino. That is so stupid. It is also why I consider the Tea Party an embarrassment to true conservatism. People look for perfection and forget the Ronald Reagan 80/20 rule of agreement. Instead they label someone and can not be intellectually honest. I am done with all the ignorance.  This is my final answer here. Its not enough to just get Obama out. The damage is done. We need a person with a plan. Mitt Romney has that out in great detail what he plans on doing to fix our economy. Its a great plan. But instead of reading it....its much easier to be an idiot and say he is big government which is stupid and to just mouth "Romney Care" and be ignorant.

Do you want to stop being lazy and  and make ignorant statements about about a man that has no scandals, is conservative, Governed in a conservative way? Here is his economic plan. Click Here

Then go read Herman Cain's 999 plan. There is no comparison. Mitt Romneys is much much better and much more detailed. I am pretty much done. I have researched Mitt Romney for 4 years. I think he will be better than my beloved Ronald Reagan. His record as Governor was eons better than Reagans.